Past Club News:
6 Mar 2013 | Until further notice, 146.82 repeater is not linkable to the MMRA network. It continues to operate standalone. |
6 Mar 2013 | The 927.7 repeater is fixed and is back on the air. |
3 Mar 2013 | The 927.7 repeater is off the air due to a radio failure. |
27 Feb 2013 | The 29.68 repeater is off the air due to antenna damage. |
9 Jan 2013 | The new Lowell Antenna is installed. 442.25 is back in full service with linking enabled |
27 Dec 2013 | Until further notice, 145.16 is off the air |
20 Dec 2013 | Until further notice, 442.25 Lowell is not linkable |
18 Oct 2012 | Oct 19 to 21, 146.820 will be supporting safety communications at the HotCR. See Yahoo Group for more information. |
25 Sep 2012 | W1MRA 927.7 (D244) in Marlborough is back on the air! |
9 Sep 2012 | 146.79, 146.82 and 145.43 in use on Sun, Sep 9 from 0500 to 1900. See MMRA Yahoo group for event details. |
26 Aug 2012 | MMRA Convention Raffle Winners: KI6MEU AB1IC KB1WAL K1IJ AB1PM |
19 Jul 2012 | 147.27 Output power has been increased to 40w (has been at 5W since the antenna swap) |
12 Jul 2012 | Marlboro 147.270 repeater to support the MS Minuteman bicycle tour Sat, July 14 between 08:00 and 16:00 |
11 May 2012 | Repeaters 449.925, 224.88, 147.27, and 52.81 (rx for 53.81) on backup antennas about 120' lower in elevation. 927.70 off the air. |
6 May 2012 | Network has returned to it default state |
5 May 2012 | Network now configured for Walk for Hunger: all 222 repeaters delinked. 146.82 linked to HUB2. 145.43, 146.82 442.70 in use for the event |
2 May 2012 | Walk for Hunger on Sunday, May 6, will be using the Belmont 145.430 and Brookline 146.820 repeaters between 0600 and 2000. |
1 May 2012 | Outgoing Echo/Irlp Service is restored on HUB1 |
26 Apr 2012 | Belmont repeater to support Run of the Charles on Sun, Apr 29, 06:00 to 15:00. |
25 Apr 2012 | Outgoing Echo/IRLP connections from HUB1 are temporarily disabled. If you want to make a call, feel free to use HUB2 instead. |
17 Apr 2012 | Repeaters are now back to their normal configuration |
15 Apr 2012 | Network now in Marathon Mode: 146.61/146.79/147.27/224.70 linked to HUB2, 146.82 off the air, other 222's unlinked |
12 Apr 2012 | Multiple repeaters in use to support the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 16. Details available on the MMRA Yahoo group. |
22 Mar 2012 | DSTAR 145.16 had a PA failure and will be off the air until further notice |
14 Mar 2012 | IRLP node 4136, MMRA's HUB2 IRLP, is now operational |
28 Feb 2012 | 146.715 has returned to the airwaves!!! |
24 Feb 2012 | 146.715 is off the air for maintenance. It should be back Monday Evening 2/27 |
22 Feb 2012 | Marlboro 147.270 will be used for RACES meeting talk-in from 0830-1030 this Saturday, Feb 25. |
16 Feb 2012 | Algonquin ARC using 147.270 for Marlboro flea market talk in, Sat AM Feb 18. Drop by the MMRA table. |
28 Dec 2011 | Quincy 224.40 (PL 103.5) is back on the air. |
13 Dec 2011 | Due to a schedule conflict, the MMRA JANUARY 18 meeting has been relocated to the Northborough Free Library |
13 Dec 2011 | The MMRA web server is being relocated on Wednesday Dec. 14. Although the server has a backup, server outages may still occur. |
30 Nov 2011 | Millstone radar causing interference to 440 repeaters (such as HUB1) this week. Their schedule is avail at . |
26 Nov 2011 | Correction: the PL for the Norwell Affiliated repeater, 145.39, is 77.0 Hz |
26 Nov 2011 | The MMRA D-Star system, located on the Prudential Tower in Boston, is back in service with a full gateway. W1MRA C, 145.16 (-600 kHz) |
13 Nov 2011 | Affiliated repeater in Norwell has changed frequency to 145.39 (PL 67.0) |
28 Oct 2011 | MMRA APRS digi (144.39) now has updated settings to be more compliant. Questions/comments to |
26 Oct 2011 | MMRA Shelter renovation is complete. All systems at Marlborough West are back in service |
20 Oct 2011 | 53.81, 147.27, 224.88, 449.925, 927.7 and APRS will be off the air beginning Friday October 21 for maintenance |
19 Oct 2011 | Oct 21 to 23, 146.820 will be supporting safety communications at the HotCR. It will be disconnected from the HUB. |
29 Sep 2011 | 146.790, 442.700 and 147.270 in use on Sat, Oct 1 from 0700 to 1400 supporting Cystic Fibrosis bicycle tours. |
16 Sep 2011 | 146.82, 147.27 and 145.43 in use on Sun, Sep 18 from 0500 to 1900. See MMRA Yahoo group for event details. |
1 Sep 2011 | Power at the Quincy site was restored at approximately 6PM today. 07/67 is back in normal operation |
31 Aug 2011 | There is still no power at the Quincy repeater site, so 07/67 is off the air. All other MMRA repeaters are up and running. |
29 Aug 2011 | All MMRA repeaters will remain linked to HUB1 for the next few days (while large power outages still exist). |
25 Aug 2011 | Boston 927.0625 internet connectivity is restored, node 4977 is on line. |
17 Aug 2011 | We are hopeful that Boston 900 internet connectivity will be restored on Thursday evening, August 25th. |
17 Aug 2011 | The HUB2 main transmitter has been replaced. HUB2 is now running at full power. |
5 Aug 2011 | ARES link configuration in effect on Mon, Aug 8 from ~19:00 to 22:00 for hurricane drill. |
27 Jul 2011 | The primary 146.715 antenna system has been repaired. Burlington 2m is now running on its main antenna |
21 Jul 2011 | The Boston IRLP node is currently down due to ISP issues. The business who hosts our site are seeing the same issue and is working on it |
21 Jul 2011 | 442.250 is now directly linkable to 446.775 is Burlington |
18 Jul 2011 | 146.715 is back on the air, using the backup antenna. We plan to work on the main antenna next week. |
15 Jul 2011 | Marlboro 147.270 repeater to support the MS Minuteman bicycle tour Sat, July 16 between 08:00 and 16:00 |
13 Jul 2011 | 53.81 and 29.68 are now linkable to HUB2 |
1 Jul 2011 | 146.715 is off the air until further notice |
1 Jul 2011 | The Hopkinton 223.94 repeater has been upgraded. HOP is now linkable to HUB1 or HUB2 |
5 Jun 2011 | Marlborough 29.68 is back on the air. Now if only the band was open! |
3 Jun 2011 | Marlborough 29.68 is temporarily off the air while the link receiver is repaired |
31 May 2011 | Soutborough, 449.575 PL 88.5 has been returned to service |
24 May 2011 | As requested on the Tuesday night net, the url for skywarn training schedule is at |
1 May 2011 | The MMRA network is back to normal configuration |
26 Apr 2011 | Belmont and Brookline repeaters to support Public Service in Apr/May. Details available on the MMRA Yahoo group. |
20 Apr 2011 | The MMRA network is back to its standard configuration |
17 Apr 2011 | IRLP 4133 / Echo 94940 will be disabled until Monday Evening 4/18 |
16 Apr 2011 | Repeaters are now configured for the Boston Marathon: '82 is off air, '27/'67/'79/'70 linked to HUB1 through Monday evening. |
14 Apr 2011 | Multiple repeaters in use to support the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 18. Details available on the MMRA Yahoo group. |
14 Feb 2011 | Algonquin ARC using 147.270 and 449.925 for Marlboro flea market talk in Sat. AM, Feb. 19. Drop by the MMRA table. |
26 Jan 2011 | The 449.925 controller has been upgraded. Until further notice, the '925 autopatch is not available |
17 Dec 2010 | New 442.250 repeater in Lowell on the air! PL 88.5. Signal reports welcome! |
22 Nov 2010 | 53.81 Marlborough six meter repeater PA back in place and repeater restored to back to full power. |
19 Oct 2010 | Oct 22 to 24, Belmont and Brookline 2M machines will be supporting safety communications for the Red Cross at the HotCR |
8 Sep 2010 | 449.575 Southborough is off the air for repair |
1 Sep 2010 | Results from MMRA raffle at Boxboro have been posted on the webpage. |
31 Aug 2010 | At Boxboro on Sunday the MMRA foxbox was found by VK1MD, W1SJ, John J Callahan IV and Geoff Wallick. Congratulations to all! |
31 Aug 2010 | At Boxboro convention on Saturday the MMRA foxbox was found by Stan (KD1LE), VK1MD, and Mitchell (W1SJ). Congratulations! |
29 Aug 2010 | The convention is over - the network has been restored to its standard configuration! |
27 Aug 2010 | Aug28/29: 53.81/147.27/224.88/449.925 linked to support the Boxboro convention talk-in. Node 4133 is disabled. All other rptrs are delinked |
24 Aug 2010 | The new SCOM 7330 controller is installed. HUB2 Weston, 442.7, is back in service! |
17 Aug 2010 | MMRA Hub2 in Weston (442.7) will be off the air for approximately one week so that we may upgrade the controller. |
29 Jul 2010 | Repeaters in ARES linked configuration for hurricane drill starting at 19:00 August second, to 21:00 |
29 Jul 2010 | The club's D-Star repeater, 145.16 in Boston, will be off the air for approximately 3 weeks so that we may get the gateway working with it |
13 Jul 2010 | Marlboro 147.270, Burlington 146.715 repeaters to support the MS Minuteman bicycle tour Sat, July 17 between 08:00 and 16:00 |
11 Jun 2010 | Marlboro 147.270 and Weston 146.790 repeaters to support the ALS bicycle tour Sunday, June 13 between 07:00 and 14:00 |
4 May 2010 | Burlington repeaters are back on the air. Reason for outage was UPS failure |
4 May 2010 | Both Burlington repeaters (146.715, 446.775) are off the air. Cause is currently unknown. We will be investigating the situation this week. |
22 Apr 2010 | Marlborough 53.81 transmit site antenna was replaced on Friday April 16. Significant transmit signal improvement has been widely reported. |
20 Apr 2010 | Belmont 145.430 repeater to support the Run of the Charles Canoe Race Sunday, April 25 between 07:00 and 18:00 |
17 Apr 2010 | Multiple repeaters will be used to support the BAA Boston Marathon on Monday, April 19. See the MMRA Yahoo group for more details. |
3:10 PM Mar 1st, 2010 | Foxhunt Saturday March 6 on 146.790 Weston, from 10:00 to 12:00+ |
3:47 PM Feb 9th, 2010 | During the Algonquin ARC flea market 147.270 and 449.925 repeaters will be linked from approx 06:30-13:00 on Sat Feb 13, 2010 for talk in. |
12:18 PM Feb 1st, 2010 | The 53.81 repeater power amplifier is now the Larcan transmiter module from WTAE Pittsburgh, running at 350 W. |
4:56 PM Jan 11th, 2010 | Hooray, Marlborough 927.700 IRLP node 4978 is up and running. It joins our Boston 900 repeater in being full-time linked to the NEAR-900 net |
4:15 PM Jan 4th, 2010 | Foxhunt on Weston 146.790, Saturday Jan 9, 10:00 to around 12:00 |
1:03 PM Nov 13th, 2009 | The MMRA network will be in the EMa ARES linked mode for the Mini-Exercise on Saturday November 14 from approx 10:00-11:30AM |
4:51 AM Nov 10th, 2009 | Boston 900 Repeater has changed frequency to 927.0625, same -25 MHz offset, same DPL 244. |
7:57 PM Nov 2nd, 2009 | 927.775 IRLP Audio Problems have been resolved; node is operating normally |
7:03 AM Oct 31st, 2009 | Due to IRLP audio problems, 927.775's IRLP node (#4977) has been disabled until further notice |
5:19 AM Oct 30th, 2009 | 927.775 may be temporarily disconnected from the NEAR900 net by keying "73" on ur DTMF pad. It will reconnect after 3 minutes of inactivity |
5:17 AM Oct 30th, 2009 | 927.775 is temporarily running with an input frequency of 902.0125. Please let us know your observations about whether this is a cleaner frq |
8:58 AM Oct 20th, 2009 | Foxhunt Sat. Oct 24. Start at 10AM. Location within 10m of 146.715 repeater. Fox on repeater input 146.115. Xmit every 5 min for 30 secs. |
6:32 AM Oct 9th, 2009 | MMRA D-Star is now fully operational from the Prudential tower in Boston: 145.16 (-600 kHz) "W1MRA..C" ( . = spaces ) |
8:34 AM Oct 5th, 2009 | New shelter for MRW (donated by N1KMA) transported from ME to Marlboro. |
7:07 PM Sep 27th, 2009 | 145.16 D-Star has been relocated to the Prudential tower. Receiver needs some work however, so range is limited at this time. |
10/4/2009: | New Shelter for MRW moved from Maine to Marlboro. Many thanks to N1KMA for donating the shelter and to Keith (KB1OEI) of Land's towing for transporting the shelter for the club! photos/video from W1BRI |
9/12/2009: | Until further notice, 449.575 Southboro linking has been disabled |
8/18/2009: | 53.81's Link Transmitter is back in service. |
8/17/2009: | K1KWP has been appointed interim trustee of 223.95, AE1C has been appointed interim trustee of 146.61 |
8/11/2009: | The Marlborough 927.7000 repeater is on the air. DPL is 244. This system has its antenna at the top of the Sligo water tank. |
8/11/2009: | 147.270's antenna system has been repaired and the repeater is back to full power. |
8/3/2009: | MMRA now has a 10m repeater on the air! Receiver is in Weston. Transmitter is at Marlborough East. 29.68 (input -100kHz) PL 131.8 |
7/28/2009: | The PA on the Hopkinton 223.940 has failed. This repeater will be off until further notice. |
7/19/2009: | The MMRA Foxhunt section has been reactiviated with news from July 18th's joint fox hunt with QRA. See it here. |
7/13/2009: | At 10AM on Saturday July 18,2009 the MinuteMan Repeater Association (MMRA) and the Quannapowitt Radio Association (QRA) have scheduled a joint hidden transmitter fox hunt. See our foxhunting page for more info! |
6/23/2009: | The Quincy 224.40 repeater has been disabled until further notice. It is receiving interference which is then being relayed into the entire network, causing disruption of various nets and activities. |
6/20/2009: | MMRA welcomes KA1RCI as the newest affiliate repeater to the MMRA network. RCI operates 145.19, 223.96, and 449.325 in Johnston, RI (JHN) and is linkable to HUB1 only. JHN will be linked for the Rhode Island and Eastern Mass 2m Traffic net on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8PM. See our repeater page for more info! |
6/17/2009: | The Weston 224.70 repeater is back to operating at full power. |
6/13/2009: | Thanks to the work of W1BRI with re-install assistance from K1JWB, WA1NVC and NE1R, 449.925 has been repaired and is functioning normally. The crew took the opportunity to also replace the backup battery and cleaned up the vegetation that was trying to overtake the shelter. |
6/5/2009: | The 449.925 power amplifier has failed. HUB1 is off-the-air it can be repaired. |
6/3/2009: | The Boston repeater - 927.775 (DPL 244) is ON THE AIR. It is currently operating with a limited receive antenna. The final receive antenna will be operating within the next 2 weeks. |
5/20/2009: | The Brookline 146.820 repeater is off the air for rework. W1BRI will be recabling, and tightening things up in an attempt to clear up the noise issues affecting the receiver. |
5/11/2009: | A lease has been signed for a new MMRA 900 MHz affiliated repeater located atop of One Financial Center in Boston. This repeater is the result of efforts and donations from KK1RZ, N1OTY, K1WUK, W1BRI, N3HFK, K1IW, and others. The repeater is built and will be on the air soon. Repeater TX will be 927.775 (receive on 902.775. More details are available here. |
5/10/2009: | Thanks to Bryan and a perfect 'find' at NEARFEST, the PA tube has been replaced on 53.81. MRE is back on the air! |
5/1/2009: | MRE 6m is off the air. The PA tube has failed. We will be purchasing a new one and replacing it very soon. |
4/8/2009: | HUB1 now has outgoing echolink capability. Members can find out how to do this by logging into the member's area. Additionally, HUB1 will now be linked to W1OJ's 10m (29.62) and the Mt. Wachusett 448.625 repeaters. |
3/5/2009: | WF1F's slides from the March meeting (with FARA) about SSTV on the ISS are available here on the MMRA website. |
1/21/2009: | N1OTY's slides from the January meeting on getting onto the 902 MHz band are available here on the MMRA website. |
12/29/2008: | Thanks to K1KWP, many older issues of The Minuteman newsletter are now available. Our archive is still missing all issues prior to 1983, from 1991-1998, and others randomly scattered through the past. If you have any old copies of the newsletter, we'd like to borrow them so we can add them to the archive. See more on our newsletters page. |
10/27/2008: | Burlington UHF, 446.775, is now on the air |
10/18/2008: | The MMRA Stoneham repeaters (146.715 & 446.725) have been relocated to Burlington. Coverage is expected to be approximately the same. 446.725 is currently off-the-air and will return in 1-2 weeks on a new frequency of 446.775 (same 88.5 PL). |
9/23/2008: | We are informed that one time MMRA President Steve Rudin W1WSN will have an article about antennas in the November QST. |
9/17/2008: | At our September meeting, Daniel Rajczyk, N1KJN, was elected by the membership to fill the vacant secretary position. Please welcome Daniel to this important role in our organization. |
9/15/2008: | The MMRA's D-Star repeater is now on the air from the Marlborough East site. Operating on 145.16(-), it is the first D-Star repeater operating in
Greater Boston area, and the first VHF D-Star system in the state. The repeater is owned by N1KMA and is located in MMRA's shelter through an arrangement in which the repeater is sponsored by MMRA, and operates with the W1MRA callsign. To configure your D-Star radio, dial up the following settings:
YOURCALL: CQCQCQ RPT1: W1MRA C (two spaces before the C) RPT2: W1MRA G (two spaces before the G)
8/25/2008: | The Foxbox was hidden at the Boxboro convention on Friday afternoon (8/22) for round one and was found on Saturday (8/23) by W1HFN at 11:00, W1DYJ/W1SJ at 15:21, and WB1EWS at 15:30. The foxbox was re-hidden Saturday evening for round two but there were no signs that anybody found it on Sunday.
4/13/2008: | The Mendon 2m repeater is now linkable to HUB2
3/25/2008: | The Weston 2m & 222 repeaters are now linkable to HUB2
11/27/2007 | MMRA acquires Crocker Public Service Group: In October, the MMRA board authorized an offer to CPSG to acquire that organization. In return, CPSG members in good standing as of 11/1/2007, with expiration dates on or after 11/1/2008, who are not already MMRA members, will be offered one-year memberships in MMRA at no cost. Club president K1IW extended the offer to CPSG, and CPSG accepted the terms of the offer at its membership meeting on November 27th. CPSG members eligible have been contacted directly.
10/27/2007 | HUB2 / 442.70 Weston is now fully operational. Thanks to the efforts of W1BRI, NG1Z, and K1IW, HUB2 has a new main antenna and link antenna and is now fully operational.
5/16/2007 | The 146.82 "Brookline" repeater has returned to Brookline! |
4/29/2007 | On a misty Sunday morning, two tower climbers and three MMRA members trekked to the Quincy site and restored the Quincy repeater antenna to its former glory. Many thanks to Paul Young, K1XM, and Charlotte Richardson, KQ1F, for gratiously lending their services to perform the work. N1BE, W1BRI, and K1IW were also there as helpers. In 1999, the main Quincy 2m antenna failed. Members scurried to install a new DB224 antenna. The antenna remained at roof level for eight years, but has now been moved to the top of the 50 foot tower on the building. Quincy coverage has noticeably improved! Pictures from the work party can be seen at Quincy April 29 Work Party. |
2/16/2007 | The 449.575 repeater which was located in Shrewsbury for several years has moved to Southborough. For more details. |
12/16/2006 | HUB2 in Weston, on 442.700, is now on the air! Repeater was installed by Bryan, W1BRI on Saturday Morning 12/16, with help from his brother. The new HUB is located at MMRA's Weston location, and will serve as an alternate way to link the club's repeaters. In case of a failure at '925, this can be used as a backup. Also, MMRA will now be able to link all of its repeaters into two separate groups (for example, link Quincy, Stoneham, and Brookline while at the same time link Marlborough and Mendon separate.) Photo shows the MMRA's newest repeater (left) alongside the MMRA's oldest (146.79, right). |
8/16/2006 | The MMRA Hub now supports IRLP. The MMRA Hub is now running EchoIRLP software. It is IRLP Node # 4133. It continues to support Echolink as node # 94940 as well. |
3/3/2006 | In early 2006 the 146.610 repeater returned to the air at its new location in Mendon. Like before, it is full time linked to the MMRA network. Many thanks to W1BRI, N1XXI, AE1C, K1KWP, and N1BHI for getting it installed and back on the air. Special thanks to KB1LOY who arranged for the equipment necessary to install the antenna. Pictures of the repeater and the Friday March 3 antenna mounting operation are available on the info page for Mendon. |
1/1/2006 | Most repeaters are now linked weeknights from 9:50 to 11:50 pm for the Heavy Hitters traffic net. This is an NTS-affiliate net for passing formal written "radiogram" traffic. The net begins at 10pm. All MMRA repeaters that are normally linked, plus Stoneham '715, Quincy '67, and Marlborough '27, are linked. The Weston '79 repeater does not link for this net. |
9/20/2005 | MMRA/Brookline is ON THE AIR. This repeater operates on 146.22/146.82, with the standard MMRA tone of 146.2 Hz. |
9/20/2005 | The Weston repeater has returned to the air on its new frequency of 146.790 (-600KHz in, PL 146.2) © 2024 Minuteman Repeater Association, Inc. |