Meeting dates, agendas and locations are always subject to change.
Check back here often for the latest information.

MMRA 2023-2024 Meetings

  • MMRA holds meetings each month, usually on the third Wednesday, except when this conflicts with a holiday or other activity. We alternate between guest speaker topics and business meetings, when we cover club business and just get together to talk. MMRA Membership is not required to attend these meetings.
    We hope to see you at our next meeting!

  • Meetings marked Hybrid will also be available via Zoom teleconference. Members will be able to see the Zoom connection information listed on the website approximately 3 weeks before the meeting.
    Non-Members may email for the Zoom connection information.
    Zoom connection information will also be listed in The Minuteman newsletter.

  • All meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30PM
    (unless otherwise noted with a dagger†)
    date feature location
    Sun, Aug 27 The MMRA Repeater System
    Kevin Paetzold - K1KWP
    HamXposition, Best Western, Marlborough MA
    Wed, Sep 20 The National traffic system, nets in the area and the basics of sending a radiogram
    Marcia Forde - KW1U
    Joe Weisse - W1HAI
    Hybrid - New England Sci-Tech, Natick, MA
    Wed, Oct 18 Business Meeting Hybrid New England Sci-Tech, Natick, MA
    Dom Mallozzi - N1DM
    Hybrid - Marlborough Central Fire Station, Marlborough, MA
    Wed, Dec 20 Business Meeting Zoom Online Meeting
    Wed, Jan 17 A 10m FM Antenna …to fit into my attic…
    Larry Banks - W1DYJ
    Hybrid - TBD
    Wed, Feb 21 Business Meeting Zoom Online Meeting
    Wed, Mar 20 100Lb DXpedition First 20 Years
    Scott Andeson - N1ERD
    Hybrid New England Sci-Tech, Natick, MA
    Wed, Apr 17 Business Meeting Zoom Online meeting
    Wed, May 15 Twenty Things I've Learned While Curating the Digital Library of Amateur Radio & Communications
    Kay Savetz - K6KJN
    Membership Meeting and Annual Elections
    Hybrid - TBD
    Wed, Jun 19 Business Meeting Zoom Online Meeting
    Our meetings are a great place to meet club members in person!

    You can also find out more information on the club, get updates on any changes to our repeaters and linking system, and provide your own input to the officers of the club. Almost all of our meetings include an interesting presentation on topics related to amateur radio.

    Recordings of various past meeting presentations are available